100% natürliche, erstklassige Briketts aus nachhaltigen britischen Quellen. Hochenergetischer, nachhaltiger Holzbrennstoff für alle Holzöfen und Feuerstellen. JETZT VERFÜGBAR! Sechs lang brennende Premium-Briketts für alle offenen Feuer, Mehrzwecköfen, Holz- und Kaminöfen. Jedes Brikett: 295mm x 70mm x 70mm. Einfach zu verwenden und zu lagern. Kann von Hand für kleinere Öfen gespalten werden. Wärmeleistung: 4,8kWh/kg. Feuchtigkeitsgehalt unter 10%. Übertrifft die neuen Clean Air Quality Standards.
High quality Pellets de madera Wood Pellets EN Plus DIN Plus specification pellets used for private heating must have ash content below 0,7% ( A1 quality),mechanical durability 97,5% and fines content (number of particles below 3,15 mm) on the production plant max 1%.Low ash content will allow to clean the household boilers from ash more seldom, low fines content will guarantee the pellets to be stronger, what is necessary in handling procedure ( bagging etc) and will guarantee for the end users very low dust content in the bags. In reality at pellet plants producing prime quality wood pellets mechanical durability often shows up to be min 99%.
Name: Pellets de madera Wood Pellets EN Plus DIN Pluss ( PREMIUM ) / EN plus-A1 Wood Pellet
1.Wood pellets DIN (made from Spruce, Oak, Beech and pine)
Diameter 6mm / 12mm
Humidity 5.4 %
Ash 0.5-1.0 %
Heating value 4796 kKal/kg – 4950 kKal/kg
Packing: 15 kg bag or big-bag (1000 kg)
2.Wood pellets DIN plus (Spruce, Oak, Beech and pine)
consumption : The majority of consumption, 61.8%, was for heat generation. Pellet consumption for heating can be further subdivided into three markets: residential heating (69%), commercial heating (19%) and CHP heating (12%). The remaining 38.2% of the wood pellets were used to generate electricity. It should be noted that the technologies for generating energy from pellets for heat, electricity or both are mature and offer efficient and reliable processes.
Wir stellen Ihnen Premium-Pellets aus Sonnenblumenschalen vor!
Aschegehalt: 2,7 %
Energiewert: 18 MJ
Schüttdichte: 565 kg/m3
Verpackt in 1-Tonnen-Big-Bags oder in 15-kg-Säcken
Preis: ab 100 EUR EXW.
Wir können den Transport in die gesamte EU organisieren oder Sie können die Ware am Bahnhof in Małaszewicze (Polen) abholen.
Mindestbestellmenge: 23 Töne
4000 Töne monatlich verfügbar
Als polnisches Unternehmen stellen wir Rechnungen mit ausgewiesener Mehrwertsteuer aus und sorgen so für Transparenz und die Einhaltung Ihrer Geschäftsanforderungen.
Mindestbestellmenge:23 Töne
Töne monatlich:4000
Why peat pellets: Because they are simple, environment-friendly and much cheaper or give much more energy for the same money – if you prefer.Peat pellets are produced from raw peat – a decomposed biomass of wood and herbaceous species. Peat bog is like big sink of compost – millions of tons of biomass has been accumulating there for centuries.Peat is widely used as an energy source in Finland – more than 20% of its energy demand is covered by peat. For years peat has not been regarded as serious fuel source because of its higher production costs compared with coal, oil or natural gas. But increasing energy prices in recent years has changed the outlook for peat – it has even become a cheaper energy resource.Traditionally peat is regarded as a high ash fuel. But it is not true in all cases. The peat we use for pellet production has extremely low ash content which is basically found in Baltic’s and Northwest Russia.
Diameter (mm):6,8,10,14 mm
Ash (%):≤ 1.0% max 3%
Moisture (%):≤ 12
Packaging:15 kg, 16 kg, 25 kg, 40 kg, Big Bags, Loose
Length (mm):3,15 ≤ L ≤ 40
The heat of combustion (MJ / kg):≥ 17,5
Bulk density (kg/m3):≥ 700-750
Quest'anno vuoi RISCALDARE la tua casa in modo SICURO ED ECONOMICO?
MISTER FAGGIO è un prodotto UNIVERSALE, SICURO , ECONOMICO e di qualità, prodotto da un'azienda CERTIFICATA ISO 9001.
Il prodotto, oltre ad avere elevatissime caratteristiche tecniche, è costituito da puro legno di faggio 100% che ti garantirà risparmio e calore per tutto l'inverno.
- 3,50 ? / SACCHETTO DA 15 KG
- 232 ? / TONNELLATA
Ma non è finita qui!
Solo per un periodo limitato di tempo,
ti regaliamo il
*I prezzi indicati sono per ordini da minimo 24 tonnellate
Vuoi saperne di più?
Rappelez-vous toujours bien d’une chose : l’achat de pellets se fait au kilo. Si vous achetez des kilos de poussière, c’est de l’argent jeté par les fenêtres !
Dubové pelety prémiové kvality pro vytápění jsou spolehlivým řešením pro ekologické a efektivní vytápění vašeho domova i firmy!
Naše společnost nabízí vysoce kvalitní dřevěné pelety vyrobené z čisté dubové štěpky. Zákazníkům v České republice a dalších evropských zemích poskytujeme produkty splňující všechny evropské normy kvality a bezpečnosti. Pelety jsou baleny ve výhodných Big Bagech nebo 15 kg v pevných polyetylenových pytlích na paletách.
Proč si vybrat naše dubové pelety:
• Vysoká výhřevnost: 17,3 MJ/kg (4,83 kWh/kg) pro maximální účinnost vytápění.
• Čisté složení: vyrobeno z ekologicky nezávadného dubu bez nečistot a škodlivých přísad.
• Optimální rozměry: průměr 6 mm a délka až 35 mm – ideální pro většinu topných systémů.
• Minimální vlhkost: pouze 7 % pro stabilní a účinné spalování.
• Minimální obsah popela: pouze 0,3 %, což snižuje potřebu údržby zařízení.
Technické vlastnosti:
• Průměr: 6 mm
• Délka: až 35 mm
• Hustota: 1100–1300 kg/m³
• Vlhkost: 7 %
• Obsah popela: 0,3 %
• Obsah kalorií: 17,3 MJ/kg (4,83 kWh/kg)
Naše výhody:
• Velká výrobní kapacita: až 50 tun týdně, což nám umožňuje vyhovět potřebám malých i velkých zákazníků.
• Flexibilní možnosti balení a doručení: doručení do jakékoli země v Evropě s možností rychlého doručení v rámci ČR.
• Vysoká kvalita a šetrnost k životnímu prostředí: výrobek splňuje nejvyšší standardy kvality, protože je vyráběn na Ukrajině za použití moderních technologií při zachování čistoty životního prostředí.
Objednejte si naše dubové pelety, které zajistí udržitelné, ekologické a efektivní vytápění. Naším cílem je být vaším spolehlivým dodavatelem pelet na evropském trhu!
Kontaktujte nás a získejte personalizovanou nabídku a poskytněte svým prostorům to nejlepší palivo!
We offer to buy goods manufactured in the EU! Very high-quality sticky feed pellets and pellet plates!
1. Grass pellets for fodder- 14mm, packaging BigBag 500kg, and 20-25kg bags, and pellet flakes
2. Alfa alfa pellets for dodder- 8mm, packaging BigBags 500kg, and bags 20-25kg
We offer various BIO grains (spelt, wheat, barley, Durum), oil seeds (linseeds, sunflower seeds), legumes (lentils, beans, peas), conventional oil seeds, legumes!
Please ask by sending information that interests you and we will send you a list of products available to us!
Sunflower husks are burned as fuel to power oil mills, but only half of the hulls can be used on-site for energy production. The remaining half have to be transported off-site to provide energy or for other purposes, such as composting, bedding material, or as a low-quality roughage for livestock. However, they are light in weight and bulk because of their low density, and are therefore costly and impractical to transport. For sunflower seed oil manufacturer or sunflower seed processors, how to deal with useless husk has become an annoying problem.
Heating System
600kg/m3 - 800kg/m3
Calory (J)
Moisture (%)
Place of Origin
Brand Name
Pine Wood Pellets
Model Number
Pine Wood Pellets
Ash Content (%)
Product Name
Pine Wood Pellets
Wood pellets
Pine Wood Pellets
A1 EN Plus Wood Pellets:A1 EN Plus Wood Pellets
WOOD PRODUCTS provider founded in 2020 and based in Alkmaar, Netherlands. Our product line is certified, environmentally friendly, and derived from sustainable sources.
Find out our products offer:
WOODEN PELLETS - Enplus A1 wood pellets, premium wood pellets, and Wood pellet boilers industries.
CHARCOAL - Australian hardwood medium to hard density charcoal. Low on smoke and subtle on taste.
FIREWOOD - The best Birch, Oak, Ash, and Hornbeam Kiln Dried Logs with a guaranteed moisture content of less than 18%. Our logs are suitable for Wood Burning Stoves and Open Fires, and because they are Kiln Dried, they have high energy and heat values, allowing you to stay warm while enjoying the atmosphere of a log fire!
PALLETS - In different sizes and materials for general warehousing and distribution purposes.
CF TRUST BV is committed to offering only the best value for money and delivering the highest quality wood pellets, charcoal, firewood, and pallet within five days
Barlinek PELLETS
• Approximately 5.3 kWh per kilogram of pellets (1 ton of pellets replaces 470 L of fuel oil; 572 m3 of natural gas; 429 L of LPG gas; 0.79 t of coal;
• Small amount of ash remains after burning the pellets (0.3 – 0.5%);
• Easy to store (1 ton of pellets packed in 15 kg bags requires 2 m3; loose pellets require 1.7 m3;
• Ecological (the ash generated after burning the pellets can be used as fertilizer for the lawn or garden);
• "Zero CO2 emissions" - the amount of CO2 produced during the burning of the pellets is equal to the amount of CO2 absorbed by the growing plants during the photosynthesis process;
• Does not contain harmful substances;
• Does not emit disturbing or unpleasant odors for people;
• Does not cause allergies;
• Ergonomically designed unitary packaging;
• Does not pollute rooms like other solid fuels such as coal.
wood pellet with or without additives is a compressed feedstock material, normally cylindrical with broken ends, with a length of typically 5mm to 40mm and a diameter of maximum 25mm. The moisture content of wood pellets normally is less than 10% and they have an ash content of up to 3%. The pellets usually were produced with a pellet mill.
The advantages of pellets compared to log wood or wood chips are among others: the possibility to optimize the combustion because of the uniform fuel, the reduced costs for transportation because of the increased fuel bulk density and the improvement of thermal and combustion properties.
We are the direct supply of this certified Dinplus Wood Pellet.
As a renewable fuel, wood is the perfect solution for a secure, sustainable heating supply.
Unlike fossil fuels, burning wood pellets is broadly carbon neutral. Burning wood pellets releases the same amount of
carbon dioxide (CO₂) as the tree absorbed when it was growing. The carbon cycle therefore remains in equilibrium.
Wood pellets are a genuine alternative to fossil fuels and, averaged over the long-term, cheaper than comparable
fuels. In addition, prices are less prone to fluctuation than fuels such as heating oil and natural gas.
Our pellets and briquettes are subject to constant internal and external quality controls, which guarantee a
continuously consistent top quality. As a result, quality products achieve test results that far exceed the
requirements of current standards.
Do get back to us for more infos and details.
Entdecken Sie die beispiellose Effizienz und Nachhaltigkeit von A2-Holzpellets, der ultimativen Wahl für umweltbewusste Heizbedürfnisse. Diese Pellets werden aus hochwertigem Holz aus verantwortungsvoll bewirtschafteten Wäldern hergestellt und sorgfältig verarbeitet, um optimale Leistung und eine geringere Umweltbelastung zu gewährleisten.
Buche, Esche und Eiche, Brennholz 25cm - 33cm.
Holzpellets 6mm und 8mm.
Gute Qualitätsprodukte mit ENplus registriert.
Gute Preise und Zahlungsbedingungen angeboten.
Geben Sie Ihre Bestellung für eine schnelle Lieferung auf.
hochwertige holzpellets für industriekraft und heizung
Die Verpackung erfolgt in Säcken von 15 kg bis 25 kg, in Polybeuteln
Die Lieferzeit beträgt 7 bis 20 Tage nach Anzahlung
Der Versand erfolgt entweder per LKW, Schiff oder Luftfracht, unsere Versandabteilung ist von hohem Standard und wir liefern schnell und weltweit.
Über uns
Unsere Firma ist professionell, wir liefern die beste Qualität unseres Produktes. Unser Ziel ist es, in Bezug auf Qualität und Erschwinglichkeit der weltweit am meisten bevorzugte Exporteur unserer Produkte zu sein.
Wir liefern 100% gute Qualität unseres Produktes und wir versichern unseren Kunden 100% gute Qualität und Lieferung von bester Qualität nach ihren Wünschen.
Hurtowe dostawy pelletu sosnowego - certyfikat EN Plus A1
Wysokiej jakości pellet sosnowy z certyfikatem EN Plus A1 jest dostępny w sprzedaży hurtowej. Produkowany z czystej sosny, nasz pellet gwarantuje wydajne spalanie przy minimalnej produkcji popiołu.
- Wydajność energetyczna
- Przyjazny dla środowiska
- Niski procent popiołu i wilgoci
- Jakość zgodna z międzynarodowymi standardami
Idealne rozwiązanie dla klientów hurtowych poszukujących ekonomicznego i przyjaznego dla środowiska ogrzewania.
Our pellets are certified as having a high calorific value and offer all the guarantees of a quality pellet.
The DIN plus certification confirms the premium quality of our wood pellets.
The En plus norm is a European certification that controls the entire supply chain: from manufacturing to delivery to the end customer.
Our 100% softwood pellets have a high calorific value and a fine content of less than 1%.
Our pellets meet the Din plus and En plus characteristics.
streuflo Luzernecobs/Luzernepellets aus der Königin der Pflanzenwelt, der Alfalfapflanze. Streuflo Luzernecobs dienen als Eiweißfuttermittel für stark beanspruchte Pferde als Energiequelle oder zur Auffütterung von schwächeren Pferden. Luzernecobs sind ebenso in der Rinder- Schweinehaltung begehrt, da sich der ausgewogenen Eiweiß-Rohstoffgehalt ungemein positiv auf das Wohlbefinden des Tieres auswirkt.
Granulés de biomasse 6 mm fabriqués à partir de sciure de bois de feuillus et de conifères. Livré dans des sacs de 15 kg. Nous pouvons fournir des copeaux de bois, des copeaux d'écorce, de la sciure dans des sacs ou en vrac.
We supply wood pellets base in accordance with client specific requirements and successfully establish great relationships with them.Client satisfaction has been the aim concern
Pellet drzewny PELLETON – Najwyższa Jakość i Wydajność
Certfyfikowany Pellet Drzewny “Pelleton” A1 EN Plus, jako wyjątkowy granulat drzewny, stanowi produkt najwyższej jakości, który wytwarzany jest z naturalnego surowca, jakim są drobne odłamki drzew iglastych i liściastych, całkowicie pozbawione wszelkich sztucznych dodatków.
Granulacja ø 6mm (+/- 1mm)
Wilgotność max 10%;
Popiół max 0,7%;
Wartość opałowa ≥ 16,5 MJ/kg (≥4,6kwh/kg).
Wood pellets are a renewable resource, the fuel that is already widely available in the world nowadays. The sawdust or wood shavings are compressed under great pressure and forced through holes. This is a hot process and the natural lignin in the sawdust/wood shavings melts and binds the dust together, holding the pellet in shape and giving it that characteristic sheen on the outside
Economic efficiency: Wood pellets are extremely dense and can be produced with a low moisture content (below 10%) that allows them to be burned with a very high combustion efficiency. Their high density also permits compact storage and rational transport over long distances. Electricity generated from pellets in converted coal plants is almost the same cost as electricity generated from natural gas, diesel.